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*関連 [#e5c6cbc8]

*現象 [#b53fb3f0]
 Table "OS/2' does not exist in /System/Library/Fonts/AppleGothic.ttf

*原因 [#o23e2f85]

*対策 [#la6be516]
 The fix is already submitted to the version control and I will rebuild the distros next 
 days. Until that, you may do one of the following (in descending impact on GP 
 features) with the ZIP distribution:
 * remove org.ganttproject.impex.htmlpdf plugin from GP installation directory
 * disable iText based export only: open 
 plugins/org.ganttproject.impex.htmlpdf_2.0/plugin.xml file in any text editor and 
 remove line "<exporter class="org.ganttproject.impex.htmlpdf.ExporterToIText"/>"
 * don't use MacOSX system fonts: open the same file and remove line <dir 
 name="/System/Library/Fonts" absolute="true"/>

*参考 [#p3eb9e5a]